Festival Sponsor Organizations
Channahon Lions Club
Channahon Pony Baseball
Channahon Braves Youth Football
With assistance from:
Village of Channahon
Village of Channahon Police Department
Channahon Park District
The Annual Festival is organized by a committee of community volunteers. The Committee is led by Co-Chairs Mike Rittof and Rick Debord, Secretary Jodi Bates, Treasurer Jim Abraham, and Administrative Assistant Karen Nall. Each of the three sponsoring organizations that receive the majority of proceeds from the Festival (Channahon Lions Club, Chanooka Braves Youth Football, and Channahon Pony Baseball) have two positions on the Committee. Three At-Large Representatives fill out voting roles on the Board. Non-voting subcommittee members and representative from the Village of Channahon, Channahon Police Department, and the Channahon Park District contribute to the planning effort for the area’s best family festival.
In addition to the proceeds shared annually among the three sponsoring organizations, a community grant program distributes funds to not for profit organizations that serve the Channahon community. More proceeds are paid to community groups that volunteer to perform needed duties during the event. Since 1989, the Three Rivers Festival has generated over $1 MIL for community programs and services.
The Three Rivers Festival Committee meets monthly at 7:00pm on the third Tuesday of the month at the Channahon Municipal Building. New volunteers are always welcome to attend. For more information, visit the Three Rivers Fest webpage at www.ThreeRiversFest.com or email ChannahonFest@gmail.com.
If you have suggestions to improve the Three Rivers Festival, or want to become involved, send an e mail to ChannahonFest@gmail.com